Dear Cynthia and Alexia,
Well I was finished with the book a while ago and I'm glad that you all finally finished. But yes isn't the end horrible. I knew all along that the father was going to die. Cormac Mcarthy gave a lot of foreshadowing leading onto the father's death. I saw it coming I knew it from the start. But what I thought was that they were going to turn into cannibals in the end, but they don't. It's a Shakespere tragic even though Shakespere didn't write it. I hated the fact that the father left the boy alone. After all the heartache that they went through and after all the pain that they endured he just dies. I think it was because when he was looking for food and happened to run into the flame gun and was in the water. I think that's what triggered his death. I would have been happier if the son would have died. Then the father would have nothing to live for and he could die all on his own. Things would have been a lot better that way. At least I think they would have been a lot better. Also Cormac Mccarthy does and incredible job of telling a story. It doesn't bother me that he doesn't put quotation marks or barely puts in periods. It took me a while to get used to, but when I finally did it made the story better.
- Sincerely,
Ana Hernandez