Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Journal 3 - A Long Way Gone

Dear Alex Cesley and Sarahi,

There was a quote in the book that stated “Every time people come at us with the intent of killing us, I close my eyes and wait for death. Even though I am still alive, I feel like each time I accept death, part of me dies. Very soon I will completely die and all that will be left is my empty body walking with you. It will be quieter than I am.” What do you think about this quote that was said by Saidu? I found it impacting. What he said was so powerful so true. I could imagine that if I was in Saidu’s shoes this is what I would be thinking as well. I think that if I was to be going around killing people that I would myself lose the life in me even though I would be alive. I think that I would just stop living. It’s amazing how he says that death would be quieter than he was. I think when you go through things like that then you tend to be smarter and the things that you say tend to be much deeper. It’s too bad though that Saidu dies. I wanted him to live.


Cesley S. said...

In my personal opinion, earth is not my home. Heaven is my home and I am just a solider passing through this land trying to get to were I belong. When I read the words off the page I can only wonder how a child has the mindset to travel as he knows that parts of him are dieing because of the events that he is witnessing. I agree with you Ana when we experience certain things we tend to change, and grow with our environment. I am also sad that Saidu dies; he was always made people happy.

Alex R said...

This book makes me want to be violent and get in a fight. The first and probably last time I was in a fight it was an organized boxing match at my friend’s house. We had boxing gloves and an ignorant smiles, but don’t be fooled! Fighting is hard work! And it hurts too. I am sure after cocaine and adrenalin it is nothing but robot combat. The quote made since to me. I am sorry Ana that I am not the first one to respond to your blog as you guessed I would be. It made me sad when his rap tapes were burned. That represented the last thing he held on to, besides his fading memories, of his old life.

Sarahi R said...

Dear Ana,
All I can say is, Wow! that was a powerful quote. I believe that the reason why he got trough such painful situations was because he himself felt dead. He was able to kill people and not care because he was dying and stopped caring. He lost hope and that always affects a person. I think it’s true that when you feel death somehow you feel closer to death. I guess that that’s how he felt. Every time that he felt death approaching him and then just faced and accepted it into his life, he did die and he felt lost. I suspect that in some way that’s what got him trough the things he was going through. In the quote he said “I close my eyes and wait for death.” I doubt I would ever be able to accept death the way he did. That is just crazy. How can someone just stand and wait. I understand that everything that happened to him, his family’s death and everything made him not care, but I would be scared. That makes me think about how the rest of the world reacts and if that’s how other people feel after experiencing a great loss.